
Monday, September 27, 2010

Matlab Squid Axon Model of Hodgkin-Huxley

Here is Matlab code for 4th order Runge-Kutta solving of the squid axon model. To operate it, you must copy and paste into a Matlab m-file. It is self containing, and does not need any additional functions to work, other than the typical Matlab library of functions. To see how it works, look at my post entitled "Matlab Squid Axon Report".


clc %clears workspace
clear %clears any variables

%Model Constants:
Cm = 1.0; %(uF/cm^2) Membrane capacitance
ENa = 115; %(mV) Sodium Voltage
EK = -12; %(mV) Potassium Voltage
EL = 10.613; %(mV) Leakage Voltage
g_Na = 120; %(mS/cm^2) Sodium conductance
g_L = 0.3; %(mS/cm^2) Leakage conductance
g_K = 36; %(mS/cm^2) Potassium conductance
I_stim = 200; %(uA/cm^2) Amount of current stimulation for 0.05msec
Simul_time = 20; %(msec) Duration of the simulation

%Initial Conditions:
V(1) = 0; %(mV) Initial membrane voltage condition at time 0
m(1) = ((.1*25)/(exp(25/10)-1))/(((.1*25)/(exp(25/10)-1))+4); %initial value for the gating variable m
h(1) = 0.07/(0.07+1/(exp(30/10)+1)); %initial value for the gating variable h
n(1) = (.1/(exp(1)-1))/(.1/(exp(1)-1)+0.125); %initial value for the gating variable n

step = 0.01; %(ms) Step size between points where slope is calculated
N = Simul_time/step; %Total number of points of data to be taken

time1(1) = 0; %initialization of time so time at t = 1 is 0 milliseconds
for num = 1:N %for loop initialization that contains calculation of all the data points
for i = 1:4 %embedded for loop to determine the variables necessary to calculate Hodgkin Huxley
if i == 1 %conditional statement for variables at the first slope
variable1 = V(num); %sets variable1 equal to the voltage at point num for the first slope
variable2 = m(num); %sets variable2 equal to the m value at point num for the first slope
variable3 = h(num); %sets variable3 equal to the h value at point num for the first slope
variable4 = n(num); %sets variable4 equal to the n value at point num for the first slope
end %end of the first slope conditional statement
if i<1 || i>4 %conditional statement for variables at the second and third slopes
variable1 = V(num)+(step/2)*K(i-1,1); %determines the voltage for the second and third slopes using the Runge-Kutta 4th order step increments
variable2 = m(num)+(step/2)*K(i-1,2); %determines the m value for the 2nd and 3rd slopes
variable3 = h(num)+(step/2)*K(i-1,3); %determines the h value for the 2nd and 3rd slopes
variable4 = n(num)+(step/2)*K(i-1,4); %determines the n value for the 2nd and 3rd slopes
end %end conditional statement for second and third slope
if i == 4 %conditional statement for variables at the fourth slope
variable1 = V(num)+step*K(i-1,1); %determines voltage for the fourth slope
variable2 = m(num)+step*K(i-1,2); %determines the m value for the fourth slope
variable3 = h(num)+step*K(i-1,3); %determines the h value for the fourth slope
variable4 = n(num)+step*K(i-1,4); %determines the n value for the fourth slope
end %end fourth slope conditional statement
for L = 1:4 %corresponds to slopes of points
if L == 1; %if for the first slope
if time1(num) > 0.05; %conditional statement accounting for the 0.05ms stimulation, so after 0.05ms, the stimulation current is zero
I_stim = 0; %current stimulation is zero after 0.05ms
I_Na(num) = g_Na*variable2^3*variable3*(variable1-ENa); %determines the value of the sodium current at point 1
I_K(num) = g_K*variable4^4*(variable1-EK); %determines the potassium current at point 1
I_L(num) = g_L*(variable1-EL); %determines the leakage current at point 1
K(i,L) = -(I_Na(num)+I_K(num)+I_L(num)-I_stim)/Cm; %determines the value of the dV/dt of the voltage equation

else %condition when time is less than 0.05msec
I_Na(num) = g_Na*variable2^3*variable3*(variable1-ENa); %determines the sodium current at point 1
I_K(num) = g_K*variable4^4*(variable1-EK); %determines the potassium current
I_L(num) = g_L*(variable1-EL); %determines the leakage current
K(i,L) = -(I_Na(num)+I_K(num)+I_L(num)-I_stim)/Cm; %determines the value of dV/dt (slope)
end %end conditional statements
end %end conditional statements
if L == 2; %if for the second slope
Alpha_m = 0.1*(25-variable1)/(exp((25-variable1)/10)-1); %finds the Alpha m H-H gating variable
Beta_m = 4*exp(-variable1/18); %finds the Beta m H-H gating variable
K(i,L) = Alpha_m*(1-variable2)-Beta_m*variable2; %finds the next K value slope
end %end condition
if L == 3; %if for the third slope
Alpha_h = 0.07*exp(-variable1/20); %finds the Alpha h HH gating variable
Beta_h = 1/(exp((30-variable1)/10)+1); %finds the Beta h HH gating variable
K(i,L) = Alpha_h*(1-variable3)-Beta_h*variable3; %finds the next slope
end %end condition
if L == 4; %4th slope
Alpha_n = 0.01*(10-variable1)/(exp((10-variable1)/10)-1); %HH gating variable
Beta_n = 0.125*exp(-variable1/80); %HH gating variable
K(i,L) = Alpha_n*(1-variable4)-Beta_n*variable4; %4th slope
end %end condition
end %end for loop
if i == 4; %conditional statement
for P = 1:4; %for loop to determine the values of k needed for finding the next points
kbar(P) = (1/6)*(K(1,P)+2*K(2,P)+2*K(3,P)+K(4,P)); %finds the weighted average of the slope voltage values
end %end for loop
V(num+1) = V(num)+step*kbar(1); %determines the value of the next voltage point
m(num+1) = m(num)+step*kbar(2); %determines the value of the next m
h(num+1) = h(num)+step*kbar(3); %determines the value of the next h
n(num+1) = n(num)+step*kbar(4); %determines the value of the next n
time1(num+1) = time1(num)+step; %increments the time so that it continues on
end %end conditional statement
end %end for loop
end %end initial for loop

I_Na(num+1) = g_Na*m(num+1)^3*h(num)*(V(num+1)-ENa); %sodium ionic current for the next point
I_K(num+1) = g_K*n(num+1)^4*(V(num+1)-EK); %potassium ionic current for the next point
I_L(num+1) = g_L*(V(num+1)-EL); %leakage current for the next point

Voltage = -100:.1:150; %voltage span for plotting

Alpha_m = 0.1.*(25-Voltage)./(exp((25-Voltage)./10)-1); %alpha m gating variable
Beta_m = 4.*exp(-Voltage./18); %beta m gating variable
Tao_m = 1./(Alpha_m+Beta_m); %Tm time constant

Alpha_h = 0.07.*exp(-Voltage./20); %alpha h gating variable
Beta_h = 1./(exp((30-Voltage)./10)+1); %beta h gating variable
Tao_h = 1./(Alpha_h+Beta_h); %Th time constant

Alpha_n = 0.01.*(10-Voltage)./(exp((10-Voltage)./10)-1); %alpha n gating variable
Beta_n = 0.125.*exp(-Voltage./80); %beta n gating variable
Tao_n = 1./(Alpha_n+Beta_n); %Tn time constant

m_bar = Alpha_m./(Alpha_m+Beta_m); %sodium current m value
h_bar = Alpha_h./(Alpha_h+Beta_h); %sodium current h value
n_bar = Alpha_n./(Alpha_n+Beta_n); %potassium current n value

figure(1) %produces the first figure
plot(time1,V) %plots voltage versus time, an action potential
xlabel('Time (ms)') %labels the x axis with time
ylabel('Membrane Voltage (mV)')%labels the y axis with voltage
title('Action Potential') %provides a title for the plot

figure(2) %produces the second figure
plot(Voltage,m_bar,Voltage,h_bar,Voltage,n_bar) %plots the voltage versus gating variables, all three on one plot
xlabel('Voltage (mV)') %labels the x axis with voltage
ylabel('Gating variables') %labels the y axis with gating variable values
title('Gating Variables vs Voltage') %provides a title for the plot
legend('m value','h value','n value') %produces a legend to label the plot curves

figure(3) %produces the third figure
plot(Voltage,Tao_m,Voltage,Tao_h,Voltage,Tao_n) %plots voltage versus time constants for all three time constants
xlabel('Membrane Voltage (mV)') %labels the x axis with voltage
ylabel('Time Constant Value') %labels the y axis with time constant values
title('Time Constants as a function of Membrane Voltage') %provides a title to the plot
legend('Tau m','Tau h','Tau n') %provides a legend to label the curves

figure(4) %produces the fourth figure
plot(time1,I_Na,time1,I_K,time1,I_L) %plots the ionic currents versus time
title('Ionic Currents vs Time') %adds a title to the plot
xlabel('Time (ms)') %labels the x axis with time
ylabel('Ionic Current (uA)') %labels the y axis with current
legend('Sodium Current','Potassium Current','Leakage Current') %provides a legend to label the plots

figure(5) %produces the final figure
plot(time1,m,time1,h,time1,n) %plots the gating variables versus time
xlabel('Time (ms)') %labels the x axis
ylabel('Gating variables') %labels the y axis
title('Gating Variables vs Time') %adds a title to the plot
legend('m value','h value','n value') %provides a legend to label the plots


  1. Can u post a code for Myelinated Nerve as the code posted on your blog is seems to be of unmyelinated one.

  2. so i have a question... i'm trying to understand your code, as we have the exact same project we're working on now, and i seem to understand everything except for why you said i<1 or i<4 intuitively you would think it should be the opposite. i just can't wrap my brain around how i is being incremented. if you could explain this that would be great! :D
